Back yard birds at AUS. 30 September 2008
Lots of active little birds spend quite a bit of time in my small backyard, eating insects, probably those big black ants. They are not only actively moving around, but they talk to each other allthe time. It's nice to hear the different voices of the various birds in my neighborhood. Several different varieties come in for a landing, but I don't know what they are. One day a stunningly beautiful big bird landed on the chain-link fence to the right of my yard. Its chest was a peach color, its top feather a dark grey to black, and its tail feathers a gorgeous sky blue. It looked almost like a parrot, bit it wasn't. I got out my camera, but when it saw me through the patio glass, it flew off -- at the speed of light. I've never seen birds fly so fast as these right here. Notice the round white spot on the side of the bird's face in the photo. Another identical spot is on the other side.